Internet Safety Week 2024
Dear Parent's, as part of Internet Safety week this year we have purchased a Cyber Safety programme from Cyber school Ltd for parents to access.The programme takes approximately 35-40 minutes to complete. Please find a link below with instructions on how to access this programme through the cyberschooldirect website. Please ignore the refernce to a €10 fee on the instructions as there is no fee for our parents. The enrolment key is ParentsCS-70500P
Parent_CSDirect_Login (1).pdf
Internet Safety Week 2023
Dear parents, following on from our Internet safety and social media talk delivered by Dr. Maureen Griffin on Tuesday 31st January 2023, please find below some useful links to resources that Dr. Griffin kindly shared with us.
My Social Media Audit Template.pdf
NOS Group Chats 2022.pdf
NOS Guide Be Real.pdf
NOS Guide Sendit.pdf
NOS Instagram 2022.pdf
Parent Take Home.pdf
The Sleep Programme.pdf