Kerry ETB
Coláiste na Ríochta

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

The LCVP is a Leaving Certificate with a focus on enterprise and preparation for working life. This two-year programme combines the academic strengths of the Leaving Certificate with a dynamic focus on self-directed learning, enterprise, work and the community. In most ways the LCVP is like the established Leaving Certificate. LCVP students take two additional courses, called Link Modules, in the areas of Preparation for the World of Work and Enterprise Education.

In March 2022 Minister for Education, Norma Foley announced details the planned reform of senior cycle. Arising from this announcement, students starting 5th year in the academic year 2022/2023 may access the LCVP without having to meet the subject-specific criteria. This removes the need to choose two subjects from the designated Vocational Subject Groupings (VSGs) and the need to follow a recognised course in a Modern European Language (other than Irish or English). A revised programme statement is now available reflecting these changes.

Revised LCVP Programme

Currently, all students in Colaiste na Riochta study the LCVP programme.

General Aims

The Link Modules aim to enable students to

• realise the career potential of their subjects
• become self-confident, innovative and resourceful
• acquire attitudes and skills appropriate to adult life, the world of work and enterprise
• explore career opportunities in areas relevant to their subjects and/or personal aspirations
• interact effectively with and learn from adults in the community
• utilise local business and community enterprises as learning resources
• draw together knowledge, skills and expertise from a variety of sources to
accomplish set goals

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We have many activities taking place this week for College Awareness week. including a mini careers fair and a poster competition.
Upper Church Street, Listowel, County Kerry, Ireland V31 WD34.
068 21023
© 2025 Coláiste na Ríochta