Dear Students, we are looking forward to welcoming you back after the summer break. Please find below the return dates for each Year Group.
Arrangements for Week 1
- Monday 29th August –First Years only, Half Day (8.45am – 1.05pm) The induction week programme your child will engage in is designed to help them settle in and to become familiar with their new school environment. See link to timetable below;
Induction Week Timetable Rowan A 2022 (1).docx
Rowan B Induction timetable (1).docx
- Tuesday 30th August – First and Second Years only, Half Day (8.45am – 1.05pm)
- Wednesday 31st August - All Classes return – Half Day, as per timetable (8.45am – 1.05pm)
- Thursday 1st September –All Classes –Full Day
- Friday 2nd September –All Classes –Full Day
Please find below the Stationery lists for all Year Groups. All those who have paid their book rental fee and laptop rental fee will receive their books and laptops during the first week back.
Stationery List 1st years only 2022-23.docx
Stationery List 2nd 3rd Years 2022.docx
Stationery List 5th and 6th years 2022.docx